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SCS Event #3 - Route Information

SBC | Published on 7/11/2022
EVENT #3 of the 2022 Sangamon Cycling Series
Saturday, July 16, 2022
8:00 a.m. 
Lake Sangchris - East Boat Dock
Important Update - Starting Location is Lake Sangchris 
Event #3 was originally scheduled to depart from Stuart Park in Springfield. Due to some scheduling conflicts, the starting location will be Lake Sangchris - East Boat Dock. Event #4 in August will start at Stuart Park. 
The East Boat Dock has a large parking area with restrooms, plenty of shade trees and access to some beautiful, low traffic roads. We think this venue will be a great spot to start the rides.
How to find the East Boat Dock --- as you are driving around Lake Sangchris, look for a sign for the Hickory Point Campground. The East Boat Dock is just past this campground at the end of the road. 

Start Time
Mass start at 8:00 AM.
We'll be set up at 6:45 AM. Those who are tackling the longer distances are welcome to start at 7:00 AM.

Courses are now available for download. For Event #3, we will be using a slightly different format with three shorter loops that can be ridden in any order.  All loops will start and finish at the rest stop at Lake Sangchris. Loops 1 and 2 will be marked with red and blue arrows respectively. Distances are as follows:
Loop 1 (marked with red arrows) - 28 miles
Loop 2 (marked with blue arrows) - 31 miles
Loop 3  (not marked) - 37 miles

You may "mix and match" the routes as you like. 

For Those Wishing to Ride a Metric or Century Distance
For a metric, we suggest following Loops 1 and 2, and adding a bit of distance at the end.  Riding past the campground and across the Lake Sangchris dam, then turning around, will give you 63 miles. 
For a Century - Ride all three loops. 

Where to Download the Routes
Routes are stored in RidewithGPS in the SBC Member's Club.  You may download the routes for use on your GPS device. 

Would you like to join the SBC RidewithGPS club? There's no charge (you will need to create a free RidewithGPS account). Just click "Apply to Join".

Paper Maps
We will have the large printout of the routes at the rest stop, and a limited supply of paper maps for your use.  You can also download the handout at the link below:

Rest Stop Nutrition/Lunch

At the rest stop, we'll have water, Gatorade, bars and other snacks to help you fuel your ride. All routes will start and finish at the rest stop.   Stick around after you finish and refuel with walking tacos, courtesy of the SBC. 

Any questions or concerns can be addressed to the following individuals: