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HomeRide Leaders

Ride Leaders


Thank you for taking on the role of a Ride Leader for the Springfield Bicycle Club. As a Ride Leader, you play a crucial role in ensuring safe and enjoyable group rides for our club members. This page provides guidelines and instructions to help you carry out your responsibilities effectively.

Responsibilities of a Ride Leader: 

As a Ride Leader, your primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of the participants during the ride. Additionally, you are expected to:

  • Be knowledgeable about the route, road conditions, and potential hazards.

    • If you created the route, consider doing a drive/ride through prior to the group ride to ensure it is suitable.

    • If you are leading on a route at a club event, ensure that you have the latest revision of the route downloaded on your bike computer or phone.

  • Encourage safe cycling practices, including proper helmet usage and adherence to traffic laws.

  • Maintain a consistent pace suitable for the group's abilities.

  • Foster a positive and inclusive atmosphere for all participants.

  • Assist in resolving any conflicts or issues that may arise during the ride.

  • Act as a representative of the Springfield Bicycle Club and promote its values and mission.

Preparing for a Ride:

  • Weather Conditions:

    • Keep an eye on the weather forecast before the ride and inform participants of any anticipated adverse conditions.

    • Make necessary adjustments to the ride plan if the weather poses a safety risk.

  • Safety Check:

    • Ensure your own bike is in good working order.

    • Encourage participants to perform a safety check of their bicycles before the ride, including brakes, tire pressure, and chain lubrication.

    • Remind participants to bring essential items such as helmets, lights, spare tubes, and tools.

Leading a Ride:

  • Starting the Ride:

    • Arrive at the meeting point before the scheduled start time to greet participants.

    • Conduct a brief safety briefing, covering hand signals, communication methods, and any specific hazards on the route.

    • Give a brief outline of the route, and note any rest stops, regroup points, or other points of interest.

  • During the Ride:

    • When possible, lead from the front to ensure a pace that suits the abilities of the group.

    • Communicate any changes in the route, hazards, or regrouping points clearly and in advance.

    • Regularly check for stragglers or potential issues among the riders.  If you have other lead-capable riders, consider letting them ride at the front while you filter back to check in on the rest of the group.

    • Enforce safe cycling practices, such as single file riding in traffic or using designated bike lanes.

  • Ride Pace and Regrouping:

    • Monitor the pace of the ride to ensure it remains comfortable for all participants.

    • For C/D/EZ rides, plan regrouping points along the route to allow riders to catch up and take short breaks if necessary.  A/B routes often do not regroup outside of break points.

    • Encourage stronger riders to help struggling riders and ensure no one is left behind.

  • Communicating with Participants:

    • Establish clear communication methods, such as hand signals or verbal cues, to alert participants to hazards or changes in direction.

    • Encourage participants to communicate any issues or concerns during the ride.

    • Foster a friendly and inclusive environment, encouraging conversation and camaraderie among participants.

Emergency Situations:

  • Accident or Injury:

    • In the event of an accident or injury, prioritize the safety and well-being of the injured party.  

    • Do not remove an injured person’s helmet until they can verify that they have no head/neck/back pain.  If they do, do not move them in any way unless their current position risks further danger.

    • Call emergency services if required and provide necessary first aid if trained to do so.  If emergency services are not needed but the rider cannot continue, arrange for a pick-up.

    • Ride leader or another trusted senior member should remain with the downed cyclist until emergency services or pick-up arrive.  Arrange another member to lead the remaining group for the remainder of the ride if needed.

    • Inform Sangamon Bicycle Club leadership or a designated emergency contact immediately.

  • Mechanical Issues:

    • Help riders with minor mechanical issues or flat tires, if possible.  C/D/EZ rides should stop as a group until issues are resolved.  A/B rides may leave riders with mechanical issues behind.

    • Encourage participants to carry necessary tools and spare tubes.

    • If the issue cannot be resolved on-site, ensure the rider has a plan for getting home safely.

  • Lost or Separated Riders:

    • Establish a clear protocol for dealing with lost or separated riders before the ride.

    • When possible, have a designated "sweep" rider to stay at the back of the group and ensure no one gets left behind.

    • Establish a communication plan to reunite lost riders with the group.

Being a Ride Leader is a rewarding experience that contributes to the growth and success of our cycling club. Your dedication and commitment to safety are paramount. Thank you for stepping up and leading by example. Remember, as a Ride Leader, your actions influence the overall experience of the participants.

Safe cycling and enjoy the ride!


Accident Report
Hopefully you'll never need this document, but in the event of an accident on a ride, please fill this form out and send to the Club President.

Accident report